28 March 2024

How Custom Software Solutions Drive Digital Transformation

Man standing looking at whiteboard with wireflows drawn in marker

For many businesses digital transformation has become a buzzword that operational teams reluctantly agree to. For others it’s an essential part of their company’s growth strategy and they dedicate significant resources and finances in order to integrate digital technology into all facets of the business.

Adopting a digital transformation strategy essentially allows businesses to change how they operate and deliver value to their customers. However, it’s not just about adopting the latest tech but rather using digital advancements to make the business more efficient and customer-focused.

Custom software solutions, like those we create here at GCD for our customers, will often play a critical role in a business’ digital transformation. Those occasions when off-the-shelf software solutions just don’t cut the mustard. For some businesses, in the early days, a prepackaged software can work well until they need to scale or their business evolves and changes to the changing needs of their clients or service delivery.

Very often custom solutions are about creating a system that meets the specific needs of a business. This could be from streamlining operations to enhancing customer engagement. 

For example, our client Global Home Warranties found they needed a system that would transform, digitise and automate existing manual and paper based business processes to improve efficiency and transparency. By working with us to develop a bespoke system that digitally transformed their paper-based processes they were able to allow both online and offline access enabling surveyors to reduce time on site significantly.

As a result of the custom digital solution, GHW have successfully transformed their process of purchasing insurance, both internally and for their clients. The registration process is now 12x quicker than the previous paper and spreadsheet based systems and sales leads are getting to the relevant salesperson in half the time – speeding up response times of new enquiries and claims.

Global Software Development Market

According to Grand View Research the global custom software development market size was valued at approximately £23 billion in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.4% from 2023 to 2030. This indicates a growing demand for software that not only meets the needs of businesses, but continues to support their goals and growth. 

When it comes to digital transformation businesses are tackling a common set of challenges ranging from operational inefficiencies and the need for improved customer experiences to the effective use of data analytics. At its basic level these hurdles hinder growth and competitiveness which, for many businesses in this economic climate, are challenges they cannot afford to weather.

The Limitations of Legacy Systems

Legacy systems can often contribute to operational inefficiencies leaving companies and employees struggling to keep up with the current business demands. Legacy systems are often built on outdated technology stacks, making them incompatible with modern software and hardware, leading to integration challenges, limited interoperability with newer systems, and difficulty in adopting emerging technologies.

Custom software can support the streamlining of processes, development of task automation and creating a cohesive link between disparate systems with an inevitable outcome of enhancing productivity and reducing costs.

Our client Action Cancer provides an interesting working example of this. They had a legacy system that required an upgrade to improve the charity’s internal software, enabling them to expand their support services.

action cancer mobile app graphics

Their primary challenge lay in their existing internal software, the bespoke CRM and process management system (CID – Client Information Database) was on premise, meaning data was stored on a physical server in the office and managed all data, initiatives, donations, appointments, corporate services and referrals to GPs. 

The team at GCD completed a full upgrade of the entire system with a move to the Cloud, successfully expanding their support services

By moving the old solution to the Cloud, we’ve ensured a more robust, reliable and scalable solution allowing the team to access the system remotely while maintaining an upgraded and secure solution.

Improving the Customer Experience

Of course custom software solutions aren’t just about making the business behind the scenes more efficient. For many businesses optimising the customer journey and user experience can often be the differentiator of success between them and their competitors. In a consumer landscape where personalisation is a growing requirement and customers expect more from their experience and interactions with businesses, this is where custom software can be a game changer.

Custom solutions can help organisations offer the best user experiences possible, whether that’s a seamless online booking system, personalised content recommendations or cohesive brand experience. For example, when the GCD Technologies team worked with our client McCausland Airport Car Park to transform their customer booking system.  

The Methodology Behind Custom Software

Here at GCD, our projects are developed using the Agile methodology. It’s been a journey to get there but using an iterative, flexible approach allows us to build a solution that delivers value. We gather feedback early and often, make changes as required and in the end produce a custom solution that meets your business needs.

Creating a custom software solution for your business isn’t a “one and done” commission, it’s about forging a long-term partnership that allows your software needs to develop along with you, your customers’ needs and your business’ services and outputs.

The Future of Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation isn’t a new thing, however, it has become much more important to businesses and many industries since the Covid pandemic fast forwarded our reliance on digital products and services.

According to a Flexera survey digital transformation is a top priority for 74% of organisations. Custom software solutions are pivotal in this acceleration, offering the agility and specificity needed for businesses to evolve and adapt at pace. It’s more than just a technology upgrade, it’s about creating a strategic asset that can transform business processes, enhance customer engagement, and drive growth.

Is a Custom Software Solution Right For You?

Knowing whether a custom software solution is right for you can be a difficult question for many businesses to answer. Without knowing and understanding what the possibilities and capabilities of a tailored system can be it’s impossible to comprehend the differences it can make in your business.

At GCD, our team can assess your needs, audit your current systems and make recommendations based on not only your current needs but also your business’ strategic goals for the future. 

If you’d like to arrange a chat, email info@gcdtech.com, or call us on +442838341205.