Another year has flown by, it’s that time again when we welcome new students to join the GCD team and embark on their software development career.
We sat down (virtually) with Jake and Scott and got to know them a bit better.
Hi Jake!

What are you currently studying?
I have just finished my second year at Queen’s University, Belfast, I’m studying a MEng in Software and Electronic Systems Engineering.
How has your first week been?
Very interesting! Although it has been via video calls, getting to meet everyone has been great and learning/understanding the different layers/structures within the company has been a real insight. I also enjoyed getting to see the office on my first day.
What is your favourite part about being a developer?
That there are always things to learn! It’s never a straight forward walk in the park and challenges will always present themselves. A common line I’ve heard from quite a few developers in the past week is ‘every day is a learning day’. Although it can be frustrating when something doesn’t work, that’s what makes the idea of programming interesting!
What are you most excited about working at GCD?
I think what I’m looking forward to the most is getting hands on with the projects to come, whether that be internal or client based. Experiencing that added level of pressure and responsibility is something that I’m enthusiastic to get involved in and also of course getting to know everyone over the next year!
What hobbies do you have?
I’m a huge nerd so anything to do with sci-fi or gaming. I dabble a bit here and there in some Arduino and intend to incorporate 3D-printing alongside that. Other than that, I’m just your traditional human being, although I may have an obsession with horror movies and very rarely (once in six blue moons) read – which so far has consisted of the Grishaverse by Leigh Bardugo.
Any interesting facts?
I have 5 siblings, 1.5 Chihuahuas and a phobia of wasps.
Hi Scott!

What are you currently studying and where?
I’m studying Software Engineering at Queen’s University, Belfast.
How has your first week been?
It’s been good. I’m already learning, seeing things I haven’t worked with before or seeing them in an actual real environment which is great. Also, everyone is really nice and have told me to ask them questions if I need help. I have a wide choice of people to bounce ideas off.
What is your favourite part about being a developer?
I really enjoy taking problems that can look big and complex and breaking them down and solving them with code. Seeing something that at first looks daunting and then it being solved is amazing. I also like logic puzzles and maths which helps.
What are you most excited about working at GCD?
Actually working on real projects. While I’ve enjoyed the projects I worked on for uni or school it also felt hollow. You make something to do a specific thing, but it ends there. It never goes further than an examiner. So, the chance to work on real things that I’ll see the results of and see it used is really cool to me.
What hobbies do you have?
I’m into gaming. I’m not usually into the more popular games like first person shooters but more into strategy, creative or puzzle games. Off screen my one true love is Lego. I’m not good at writing but I love making stories. So Lego allows me to create worlds and put mini figures down as characters and create a story for the worlds. It also allows me to ask important questions like, who would win in a fight between Luke Skywalker and Batman?
Any interesting facts?
I once kayaked the lower Bann over 3 days.
I may have been called Nathan until my Granny complained.
I was once dressed as a 7ft tall snowman 3 days in a row.
Welcome to the team, Jake and Scott!